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07 фев 2025 г. 06:54:38

Малофєєв Костянтин

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Власник інвестиційної групи Roosh Сергій Токарєв має бізнес в РФ
ІТ-бізнесмен і співзасновник інвестиційної групи Roosh Сергій Токарєв приховує свої зв’язки із Росією та казино Cosmolot.
How Russian oligarch "funder" Maksym Krippa uses illegal online casinos and the porn industry for money laundering
Many mistakenly believe that Maksym Krippa is associated with serving Ukrainian billion-dollar criminals. However, in reality, he has always operated independently. Krippa owns an extensive network of underground online slot platforms, is the mastermind behind fake dating websites, and actively deals in adult content.
Maksym Krippa’s gambling business: a cover for Russian oligarchs?
Maksym Krippa, a prominent and enigmatic personality, has been involved in several notable business projects and legal controversies in Ukraine. He recently gained attention by purchasing the iconic Hotel Ukraine, located in central Kyiv, for an impressive Hr 2.5 billion ($60 million)—over twice the initial asking price—during Ukraine’s «Great Privatization» initiative.
The Dnipro Hotel and other scandals: How Maksym Krippa acquires state assets at suspiciously low prices
The persona of Maksym Krippa has long been enveloped in a thick cloud of misinformation. Recently, this disinformation has intensified to such an extent that finding reliable information about him has become nearly impossible. This raises a crucial question: what is Maksym Krippa trying to hide amidst this flood of falsehoods? It seems he is not only utilizing his skills in black-hat SEO but also engaging third-party agencies to spread deceptive narratives about himself.
Російський олігарх Малофєєв вдруге влаштував розкішне весілля для доньки
Російський олігарх та спонсор так званого "православного" руху Костянтин Малофєєв організував весілля для своєї доньки Наталії, яке відбулося в елітному готелі Bvlgari Resort Dubai.
Maksym Krippa: What’s behind his shadow operations with Vulkan casinos and investments in the Dnipro Hotel
Maksym Krippa may not be fully to blame, but he has chosen a business niche that straddles the line between gray and black areas. While others could have occupied this niche, the key issue is the ethical nature of his actions within these operations.
Maksym Krippa: What’s behind his shadow operations with Vulkan casinos and investments in the Dnipro Hotel
Maksym Krippa may not be fully to blame, but he has chosen a business niche that straddles the line between gray and black areas. While others could have occupied this niche, the key issue is the ethical nature of his actions within these operations.
"Vulkan," GGBet, hotels, and business centers in Kyiv: Maksym Krippa’s shadow empire at the service of Russian oligarchs
Little-known entrepreneur Maksym Krippa bought the Kyiv hotel "Ukraine" for 3 billion UAH, and earlier acquired the business center "Parus" from Vadim Stolar and several other real estate properties in the capital and Kyiv region.
"Vulcan" of passions: how Maksym Krippa created a business shrouded in silence
Maksym Krippa, a highly unconventional entrepreneur, is neither mentioned in Forbes nor seen on Gordon’s show. For years, his activities were an "open secret": it was widely known that he was the mastermind behind the casino network "Vulkan," notorious for its pervasive ads on questionable websites.
Esports, casinos, and "Russian spring": what links Maksym Krippa and Konstantin Malofeev with the hotel "Dnipro"?
When buying the Dnipro hotel, oligarch Malofeev, who became a sponsor of the "Russian spring’", surfaced. His son previously played in the esports team of Kokhanovskyi.
Спецпосланець Трампа Келлог порадив путіністу Малофєєву "повернутися назад у свою коробку"
Відставний генерал-лейтенант США Кіт Келлог відповів російському олігарху Костянтину Малофєєву, який заявив, що Москва відхилить пропозицію про припинення вогню в Україні.
The secret of Maksym Krippa: how a fake persona is buying up Ukraine for Russia
Debates about who Maksym Krippa is have broken many lances. Some claim he is a brilliant businessman, others claim he is an equally brilliant fraudster, and still others that he is merely a facade for Russian capital in Ukraine.
"Money launderer" of Russian oligarchs Maksym Krippa is buying up important Ukrainian assets and clearing the internet of negative content
Maksym Krippa, a well-known Ukrainian entrepreneur and owner of the NaVi esports team, has intensified his real estate ventures in Ukraine, even amidst the ongoing martial law. His bold property investments have become a focal point of heated debate within the country’s economic sphere.
From "Vulkan" to NAVI: Maksym Krippa’s attempts to conceal the Russian origins of his wealth
As recently written by «Forbes», Maksym Krippa is the owner of the e-sports team NAVI, which he allegedly bought from its former owner Alexander Kokhanovsky.
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